Spiral binding

Spiral binding

Spiral binding is mainly used for desk or wall calendars and notebooks, where the pages are held together by a special spiral. It is not only practical but also economical. Our company uses a metal twin spiral, which is more elegant, more durable and holds thicker bundles securely together. Wall calendars can also be supplied with a hanger on request.

With our automatic spiral binding machines
we have a unique capacity on the Hungarian market.

Renz Inline 500

RenczInline500 wire binding machine with IL500ABLK punching unit

Ningbo PBW-580 spirálozó gép

NINGBO PBW-580/580S automatic punching unit and wire binding machine

Renz MOBI500 Félautomata spirálozó

RENCZ MOBI 500 semi-automatic wire binding machine

Rilecard lyukasztó és spirálozó gépek
RILECARD punching and wire binding machines for the production of spiral products with extra thickness (28 mm) or extra sizes (A1).
Horizon Vac 1000 lapösszehordó gép

HORIZON VAC 1000 two-tower collator

Our products

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